Eastport Arts Center
Prize for Poetry:
The Eastport Arts Center Prize for Poetry will open for submissions starting April 1, 2024 and will close for submissions on June 30, 2024
Prize Categories & Themes
The Eastport Arts Center Prize for Poetry has two submissions categories:
Adult (16 years and older)
Youth (Under 16 years)
Poems should be on the following theme:
The Natural World and Our Connection to It
Submissions Guidelines
All poems must be original and unpublished
All poems must be submitted in 12pt Times New Roman font, single spaced, and comprise no more than 48 lines in length. Poems that require mid-line breaks, indents, or other unique spacing should be composed in 12pt Times New Roman font and submitted as a PDF in order to preserve the structure.
Only one entry per person
All poems must be submitted online through the contest’s portal
Entries that do not follow the guidelines may be disqualified
Prize Information
There will be 3 cash prizes awarded in each age category (1st, 2nd, and 3rd) and an honorable mention in each age category
Winners will be invited to read their poems (if they choose) at the Prize’s public announcement of winners and celebration
All submissions will be published in a collection as a hard-copy journal/magazine and online on the Eastport Arts Center website
The EAC will reserve the right to disqualify submissions whose content is deemed inappropriate to the spirit of this contest
No current employee or current Board Member of the EAC or their families may compete in the contest